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API-only integration journey

SmartPay Standalone 3DS Authentication

SmartPay Standalone 3DS Authentication Services are designed for Integrators / merchants who are:

  • able to handle Payer's Credit Card Data directly in PCI compliant way
  • requiring Standalone 3DS Sessions for use in own checkout / registration journeys
  • wish to perform payments using card data on file.


To use below described APIs, the integrator needs to collect:

  • Payer's card details obtained and stored in PCI compliant way.
  • Have further data as per schema available (such as amount, currency, shippingAddress/ billingAddress).

The POST endpoints/payment/authorize, /accounts/{customerAccountId}/paymentOptions accept clear credit card CVV, and in addition to previous endpoints, /3ds-sessions also accepts PAN, if this data is present in request body. It is mandatory to send those requests through our transparent PCI-Proxy's /forwarding/tokenize endpoint.


Only our production endpoint is PCI certified. Make sure to not send real credit card data to any other endpoint.

These Standalone 3DS endpoints work together with the SmartPay offering, please also see the following documentation:

You may use these APIs with transactionId retrieved in response of financial requests and the below mentioned SmartPay credentials.

Process Overview

The API-only integration journey consists of four parts:

1. Collect Card Details

Gather card details through presenting your payment form, ensuring PCI compliance.

2. Create a 3DS session for Payment or Storing Card-On-File

  • Customer Initiated Transactions: To authenticate the payment transaction, call the POST /3ds-sessions endpoint with "purpose":"PAYMENT_TRANSACTION".
  • Merchant Initiated Transactions: To authenticate the transaction, call the POST /3ds-sessions endpoint with "purpose":"ADD_CARD".

3. Orchestrate redirection to 3DS Secure challenge and obtain Authentication results

Regardless of the intention (payment or storing) the call POST /3ds-sessions returns a redirectUrl to which the payer needs to be redirected. After the 3DS challenge in the browser, the payer is redirected to the returnUrl.

Upon redirection, the integrator needs to call GET /3ds-sessions/{id} to retrieve the 3DS challenge result.

4. Submit a payment or storing request

  • Payment: To authorize the charge, the POST /payment/authorize endpoint needs to be called. This call requires the 3ds-session details as received via previous GET /3ds-sessions/{id} endpoint.
  • Storing: Payment Profile or Card on File can be created. To create a storedPaymentOption (Card on File), the POST /accounts/{customerAccountId}/paymentOptions endpoint needs to be called. This call requires the 3ds-session details as received via previous GET /3ds-sessions/{id} endpoint.

To authorize any merchant-initiated transaction, the POST /payment/mit endpoint needs to be called. The previous endpoint POST /accounts/> {customerAccountId}/paymentOptions contains a storedPaymentOptionReference which needs to be passed to all subsequent /payment/mit calls.

Both POST /payment/authorize and POST /payment/mit responses contains a paymentStatus indicating on outcome of authorization attempt and a transactionId which can be used with the SmartPay Modification APIs.

Transparent Tokenization

All SmartPay APIs which contain credit card data must be reached via PCI Proxy Transparent Tokenization endpoint. This endpoint accepts PCI-sensitive data, tokenizes it, and forwards the request with the tokenized data to the specified url.

Its functionality is controlled via X-Pcp- header parameters:

X-Pcp-UrlDestination request url = SmartPay base url and request path. Available values:{customerAccountId}/paymentOptions
X-Pcp-AuthorizationPCI Proxy Basic Auth ValueStringYes
X-Pcp-Cc-PathPath to json property in request body containing the credit card PAN value.StringYes
X-Pcp-Cvv-PathPath to json property in request body containing the credit card CVV value.StringNo

Forwarding is only required for POST requests containing credit card PAN and CVV data. Only the production endpoint is PCI certified. Make sure to not send real credit card data to any other endpoint.



POST {PCIProxyBaseUrl}/forwarding/tokenize


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
X-Pcp-Authorization: {{pci_base64_public_private}}
X-Pcp-Cvv-Path: paymentOption.card.cardDetails.cvvToken
X-Pcp-CC-Path: paymentOption.card.cardDetails.cardToken
Authorization: Basic M2lwN2Yx...OGU3Mg==
"payment": {
"description": "OEM APIs Test",
"amount": 49.99,
"currencyCode": "EUR"
"billingAddress": {
"addressLine1": "Max-Planck-Straße",
"number": "30",
"city": "Berlin",
"postCode": "14473",
"countryCode": "DE"
"consumer": {
"merchantCustomerId": "ID-",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"middleName": "Robert",
"emailAddress": "",
"title": "Mr",
"culture": "en-EN",
"timezone": "CET",
"dateOfBirth": "1982-03-03",
"gender": "Mr",
"mobilePhone": "496912345678",
"homePhone": "496912345678",
"workPhone": "496912345678",
"taxId": "123456789"
"partnerReference": "9AS9EdK1ySZL5E1bbG",
"shippingAddress": {
"addressLine1": "Max-Planck-Straße",
"number": "30",
"city": "Berlin",
"postCode": "14473",
"countryCode": "DE"
"paymentOption": {
"card": {
"cardDetails": {
"cardHolder": "JOHN DOE",
"cardToken": "5123450000000008",
"cvvToken": "123",
"cardExpiryMonth": "09",
"cardExpiryYear": "2029",
"cardBrand": "MSTRCRD"
"3ds": {
"3ds2": {
"acsEci": "02",
"authenticationToken": "kHyn+7YFi1EUAREAAAAvNUe6Hv8=",
"transactionStatus": "Y",
"protocolVersion": "2.1.0",
"dsTransactionId": "68f92ff6-c417-40df-bfaf-6518c43f40fb",
"acsTransactionId": "0571d1c1-df05-4a6b-83c9-b6d1617a64f6"


Status Code:

201 (3DS session successfully created)


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"partnerReference": "SOwS1Ir7UluDoJJF0p",
"description": "OEM APIs Test",
"paymentStatus": "CAPTURED",
"creationDate": "2024-03-28T10:02:43.272Z",
"lastStatusDate": "2024-03-28T10:02:47.507Z",
"transactionOverview": {
"transactionId": "a7dd1c65-847e-4b4f-8284-5ed7bed2c84b",
"paymentMethod": "CARDS",
"amount": 49.99,
"currencyCode": "EUR"
"reconciliationReferenceId": "SdsEh9hCGI434teXG3abz",
"modificationId": "a7dd1c65-847e-4b4f-8284-5ed7bed2c84b"