Render Form
Include WebSDK
<script src="https://sdk.cons.networktoken.upcf.jpmmps.com/ntc.sdk.js"></script>
Please check Sandbox vs. Production page for latest url.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="https://sdk.cons.networktoken.upcf.jpmmps.com/ntc.sdk.js"></script>
<div id="container">
<!-- Card data collection form is rendered here.-->
Promise window.NTCWebSdk.render(container, env, tokenId, options)
Calling NTCWebSdk.render(...)
function will trigger load of the secured credit card collection form for the given tokenId and render it into the provided html container. Other customization options are provided in the 'options' parameter.
window.NTCWebSdk.render(container, env, tokenId, {
'css': '.foo{color: white}',
'cssUrls': [
'locale': 'en-US',
'paymentOptionCodes': ['VISA', 'MSTRCRD'],
'ccBlacklist': ['(a-z).*'],
'submitButtonTitle': 'CONTINUE'
}).then(result => {
}).catch(error => {
}).finally(() => {
Configuration Options
Rendering method require the configuration object containing the parameters reflecting your rendering choice.
Field | Description | Data Type | Mandatory |
container | Container on integrator's website, which will be used to render the form. | string | Yes |
env | Base URL of the SmartPay WebAPI. | URI | Yes |
tokenid | The ID of the network token, returned from Create Token API. | UUID | Yes |
options.css | Inline CSS selectors which are injected into the rendered form. | string | No |
options.cssUrls | Array containing list of URLs to externally hosted stylesheets to be injected into the rendered form html. | Array(string) | No |
options.locale | Locale of the credit card form, e.g. en-US. | string | Yes |
options.paymentOptionCodes | A list of credit card brand codes, which will be accepted by the form. Possible values: VISA, MSTRCRD, AMEX. | Array(string) | yes |
options.ccBlacklist | A list of regular expressions for blacklisting specific card BIN ranges. | Array(string) | No |
options.submitButtonTitle | Text, which will be displayed on the submit button. | string | Yes |
The SDK returns a promise when the render function was executed. The promise can be handled by the integrator in order to do any additional steps.
Once received success result, actual token provisioning status should be check via Get Token API.
Errors in the SDK or in provisioning process need to be handled in catch() section of the promise object. The promise has the following parameters: code, message.
The code parameter contains the actual error code as per the table below. Message provides the exact message of the error, to be used in debugging and as reference for our customer support.
Error code | Description |
cannot_render | A message explaining which property is not correct and why". |
cannot_decode | "Env is not a non empty string" OR "TokenId is not a non empty string" |
invalid_session | The provided payment form session is invalid - redirectUrl property is missing. |
incorrect_request | If request to create payment form fails or backend validation errors will be shown with this error code |
tokenisation_failed | The tokenisation operation failed. |
Complete integration sample
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="https://sdk.cons.networktoken.upcf.jpmmps.com/ntc.sdk.js"></script>
.container > iframe { height: 600px; }
<span>Token id</span>
<input type="text" id="token-id" placeholder="TokenID">
<input type="button" value="Render" onclick="render()">
<span>Status: </span>
<span id="status"/>
<div id="iframe_container" class='container'></div>
function render() {
const container = 'iframe_container';
const env = 'https://api.cons.smartpay.jpmmps.com';
const tokenId = document.getElementById('token-id').value;
let status = "";
const options = {
'css': '.foo{color: white}',
'cssUrls': ["https://your-stylesheets.jpmmps.com/style1.css"],
'locale': 'en-US',
'paymentOptionCodes': ['VISA', 'MSTRCRD'],
'ccBlacklist': ['(a-z).*'],
'submitButtonTitle': 'TOKENIZE!',
window.NTCWebSdk.render(container, env, tokenId, options).then(result => {
console.log('On Success', result);
status = "SUCCESS";
}).catch(error => {
console.error('On error');
console.log('Code:', error.code);
console.log('Message: ', error.message);
status = "FAIL. See console logs.";
}).finally(() => {
var statusElement = document.getElementById('status');
statusElement.innerHTML = status;