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List merchant notifications

This method is used by merchants to retrieve a list of created notifications.

List notification request


GET {Base URL}/notifications


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US

List notification response

Payload parameters

nextPointerThe pointer to the next list of available queries. One request contains 100 notification results. The nextPointer contains the 'notificationId' of the item where the operation stopped, inclusive of the previous result set. Use this value to start a new operation, excluding this value in the new request. If 'nextPointer' is empty, then the 'last page' of results has been processed and there is no more data to be retrieved.StringUUID
idThe notification identifier.StringUUID
createdAtTime of the creation in ISO format.StringYYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:mm:ss.SSZ
merchantKeyMerchant identifier.StringUUID
httpCodeAn HTTP Code, which will be populated from the notification service based on the result of the webhook.Stringprocessing, "error", "done"
statusStatus of the notification processing. It will be updated by the notification result job based on the result of the processing within the notification service. Possible values are: "processing" - used when the notification is submitted to the SQS service and is waiting for a reply from the notification service. "error" - the processing of the notification failed within notification service and NOTHING IS SENT to the merchant "done" - notification is successfully processed in the notification service. In order to understand if it was delivered, check the httpCode along with message for additional details.String
messageThis property contains monitoring information for administrative purposes. It can contain processing errors, merchant response or exceptions. Not send to merchants.String
sourceSystemThe source system of the notifications.Stringsmartpay
originSource system that is sending the notification.StringEnum: "api", "widget", "automated"
eventTypeType of the event.StringEnum: "updated", "created", "deleted", "status.updated", "billing.expires", "billing.updated", "billing.scheduled"
objectIdID of the referenced objectStringUUID
objectTypeType of the event, mainly differentiating between "refund" and other transaction status changes under "payment". "prepayment" type provides prepayment specific status changes.StringEnum: "subscription", "plan", "billing-cycle", "payment-series", "transactions" "manual-retry"
metadataObject that is empty for all events for "subscription" module.Dictionarykey, value pairs
contextThis is the request body for "api" and "widget" events.StringmaxLength: 10000
dataData of the object.Object

Response sample

Status Code:

200 (OK)


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"nextPointer": "12489512t139bf1ef0n01ebg1h3",
"results": [
"id": "784c93b5-026c-4863-95d0-b89e76caefa7",
"createdAt": "2023-08-15T09:23:41.87Z",
"sourceSystem": "smartpay",
"origin": "automated",
"eventType": "status.updated",
"objectId": "ff87e17f-97f2-4bf4-adfe-a50517bb411f",
"objectType": "transactions",
"metadata": {
"transactionId": 102957125651,
"reconciliationId": 102957125651
"data": null,
"context": null
"id": "1t01ot9-026c-1225-5521-193gy1ge1",
"createdAt": "2023-08-22T09:23:41.87Z",
"sourceSystem": "network-token-connector",
"origin": "automated",
"eventType": "status.updated",
"objectId": "ff87e17f-97f2-4bf4-adfe-a50517bb411f",
"objectType": "network-token",
"metadata": {
"transactionId": 102957125651,
"reconciliationId": 102957125651
"data": null,
"context": null