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Credit and Debit Cards


Credit and debit cards are among the most widely used payment methods globally, providing customers with a secure and convenient way to complete transactions. While both payment options involve cards issued by financial institutions, the key difference lies in how payments are processed.

Credit cards allow customers to borrow funds from their card issuer to complete a transaction, ensuring merchants receive the payment even if the customer's account lacks sufficient funds at the time. This adds a layer of financial security for merchants, as the issuer guarantees the transaction.

In contrast, debit cards are directly linked to the customer's bank account, and payments are deducted immediately upon transaction approval. This means merchants rely on the availability of funds in the customer's account when processing debit card transactions.

By supporting both options, SmartPay enables merchants to cater to a wide range of customer preferences and payment needs. SmartPay supports major card brands such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, and Carte Bancaire for both credit and debit cards. These payment methods are compatible with one-time purchases, recurring payments, and subscriptions, offering flexibility for both customers and merchants.

Workflows and Transaction Types

SmartPay Integration Flow for Merchants

Merchants integrating credit or debit cards with SmartPay should follow these steps:

  1. Integration Prerequisites: Prepare the testing and production environments and obtain the necessary API credentials.

  2. Create Checkout API: Use the Create Checkout API to initiate card payment sessions, securely collect cardholder information, and process payments.

  3. Payment Form SDK: Implement the Payment Form SDK to securely collect and tokenize card details. This ensures sensitive card data is never exposed to merchants, enhancing security.

  4. Network Tokens: Enable network tokenization to enhance security by replacing card details with tokens, which can be safely stored and reused for future transactions.

Customer Initiated Transactions (CIT)

  • Guest Payments: Customers can make one-time payments without saving their card details.
  • Registered Users: Customers can securely store their card information for faster future transactions.

Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT)

  • Subscriptions: Merchants can set up recurring payments for subscription-based services, with automated billing at specified intervals.
  • Stored Payment Options (SPO): Securely stored card details can be used for seamless future transactions, ensuring customer convenience.

Transaction Status Flow

Merchants should implement SmartPay notifications to receive transaction status updates. Upon receiving a notification, merchants must call the Get Payment Status API to verify the transaction status.

Credit and Debit Card test Data


Please note, that these cards are solely intended for testing purposes. Do not use them outside of test systems!


As of the new Payment Services Directive (PSD2) currently we only accept Card Payments with 3D Secure Enabled Credit/Debit Cards.


When configuring Content Security Policy consider 3-D Secure Verification will redirect to the Customer's Issuing Bank in order to Authorize the Transaction.


For Carte Bancaire (in France), please use any valid VISA test card. This is for testing purposes only!

ACI test credit cards

VISAMastercardAmerican ExpressJCBPaymentRegistration
4200 0000 0000 00425200 0000 0000 00153434 3434 3434 3433566 0023 4543 2153ChallengeChallenge
4200 0000 0000 00675200 0000 0000 00493759 8700 0000 0213569 9900 1009 5916ChallengeChallenge
4200 0000 0000 00185200 0000 0000 00643759 8700 0169 8673569 9900 1230 0876ChallengeChallenge
4200 0000 0000 00755200 0000 0000 00723714 4963 5398 4313569 9900 1230 0884ChallengeChallenge
4200 0000 0000 00915200 0000 0000 00073745 0026 2001 0083530 1113 3330 0000FrictionlessChallenge
4200 0000 0000 01095200 0000 0000 00233772 7708 1382 2433566 0020 2036 0505FrictionlessChallenge
4200 0000 0000 00265200 0000 0000 00563759 8700 0000 0623569 9900 1227 8361FrictionlessChallenge
4200 0000 0000 00595200 0000 0000 01063739 5319 2351 0043569 9900 1227 8353FrictionlessChallenge

During Registrations (Adding a Stored Payment Option) of Credit / Debit Cards, the 3-D Secure Verification "Challenge" Flow is Mandatory to Enhance Security.


To test a Failure scenario select "Technical Error" from the 3-D Secure Simulator.

Additional Card Details

Expiry DateAny valid Date in the futureex. for February 2025 enter "02/25"
Card HolderAny Name can be providedex. "John Doe" or "Hans Gruber"
CVV / CVCVISA / Mastercard - 3 Digits
American Express - 4 Digits
ex. "123", "505" or "999" etc.
ex. "1234", "9999" and so on

3-D Secure Verification Simulators

After providing one of the Test Cards (shown above) in the Payment Form a Verification Simulator will be displayed, in accordance with the 3-D Secure Version of that Test Card.


The available options are "Approve", "Decline" and "Technical Error". To Successfully Pass the 3-D Secure Verification choose "Approve".

Verification Simulator


Card NumberPaymentRegistration
4440000042200022Authentication Attemptedn/a


Card NumberPaymentRegistration
5500005555555559Authentication Attemptedn/a
5506900140100503Authentication Rejectedn/a
5455031252665454Error during authenticationError during authentication
5455031256265454Error during authenticationError during authentication
5123459999998221Error during authenticationError during authentication

During registrations (Adding a Stored Payment Option) of Credit / Debit Cards, the 3-D Secure Verification "Challenge" flow is mandatory to enhance security.


To test a Failure scenario, select error result codes from the 3-D Secure Simulator or use an amount greater than 200.

Additional Card Details

Expiry DateAny valid Date in the futureex. for February 2025 enter "02/25"
Card HolderAny Name can be providedex. "John Doe" or "Hans Gruber"
CVV / CVCVISA / Mastercard - 3 Digits
American Express - 4 Digits
ex. "123", "505" or "999" etc.
ex. "1234", "9999" and so on

3-D Secure Verification Simulators

After providing one of the Test Cards (shown above) in the Payment Form a Verification Simulator will be displayed, in accordance with the 3-D Secure Version of that Test Card.


The available options are:

  • (Y) Authentication/Account Verification Successful,
  • (N) Not Authenticated/Account Not Verified Transaction Denied
  • (N) Authentication Cancelled
  • (U) Authentication not available
  • (R) Authentication rejected
  • (E) Authentication Server Error
  • (AI) API Gateway ASM Policy Error

To Successfully Pass the 3-D Secure Verification choose "(Y) Authentication/Account Verification Successful".

Verification Simulator Verification Simulator