Release Notes
SmartPay Release Process
SmartPay is continually improved and further developed with the aim to provide new features, improvements and bugfixes in a timely manner.
Currently, we aim to release a new version every 6-8 weeks.
Every release is tested for backward compatibility so that you do not need to change your integration, unless you want to use the newly released features.
Please make sure to subscribe to our status page for updates on service status, scheduled maintenances, and further releases.
SmartPay 5.5
List of Unrecognized Fields in API Response
Release 5.5 introduces a new feature where SmartPay API responses now include an "ignoredProperties" array in both success and error responses for all public API methods that accept a request body. This change does not impact the successful handling of requests if all other validations are passed.
Auto-Cancel Expired Payments
New settings in the Capture Policy of the Admin Portal now allows merchants to configure automatic cancellation of expired payments. "Auto cancel expired payments" setting allows merchants to automatically cancel payments that remain uncompleted within 30 minutes of initialization. This functionality is particularly useful for managing synchronous payment options and preventing double bookings. When enabled, the expiration job identifies payments that have been authorized but not fully completed within the specified time frame. If the authorization does not reach a completed status, the payment is automatically canceled, prompting customers to re-initiate the payment process if necessary. For more information, please consult with your Payment Solution Specialist.
API Response Timeout Handling
SmartPay API response time has been increased to 90 seconds. Having a 90 second timeout interval allows handling of delays dependent on different queries and responses from external systems and payment providers.
Create Subscription Checkout with 'selectedStoredPaymentOption'
The merchant's consumers are now able to delete a stored payment option, even in the case where this stored payment option is disabled.
Security Improvements & Bug Fixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay 5.5
List of Unrecognized Fields in API Response
Release 5.5 introduces a new feature where SmartPay API responses now include an "ignoredProperties" array in both success and error responses for all public API methods that accept a request body. This change does not impact the successful handling of requests if all other validations are passed.
Auto-Cancel Expired Payments
New settings in the Capture Policy of the Admin Portal now allows merchants to configure automatic cancellation of expired payments. "Auto cancel expired payments" setting allows merchants to automatically cancel payments that remain uncompleted within 30 minutes of initialization. This functionality is particularly useful for managing synchronous payment options and preventing double bookings. When enabled, the expiration job identifies payments that have been authorized but not fully completed within the specified time frame. If the authorization does not reach a completed status, the payment is automatically canceled, prompting customers to re-initiate the payment process if necessary. For more information, please consult with your Payment Solution Specialist.
API Response Timeout Handling
SmartPay API response time has been increased to 90 seconds. Having a 90 second timeout interval allows handling of delays dependent on different queries and responses from external systems and payment providers.
Create Subscription Checkout with 'selectedStoredPaymentOption'
The merchant's consumers are now able to delete a stored payment option, even in the case where this stored payment option is disabled.
Security Improvements & Bug Fixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay 5.4
Visual Indication for Expired Widget Session
Introduced a new JavaScript callback to notify the merchant's frontend when the widget session has expired.
Security Improvements & Bug Fixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay 5.3
API-Only Prepayment Initiation
The new release introduces a new payment option on the "/payment/authorize" endpoint which enables direct prepayments without using the SmartPay widget.
"onWidgetRendered" Callback Enhancement
A new optional JS callback "onWidgetRendered" notifies when the widget successfully loads by the user's browser. This callback is also included as an option in the testing tool, with corresponding log entries shown in the Event Log.
Security Improvements & Bug Fixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
- Faster WebSDK loading time: The WebSDK loading process has been optimized for faster performance.
- Localhost usage removed: Support for using localhost as a development domain has been discontinued.
- Updates to mandatory request headers: Mandatory HTTP headers have been specified and updated in API request samples.
SmartPay 5.2
OAuth authentication for merchant APIs
In addition to Basic authentication, release 5.2 extends the option to authenticate SmartPay APIs with OAuth bearer token.
OAuth authentication for merchant's endpoints notifications
The new release also introduces OAuth-based authentication as an option for securing integrator's notification endpoints.
Get Payment Options API enhancements and Payment Options Notification
Get Payment Options API provides more user's stored payment option information. New Payment Options Notification type was introduced.
Transaction creation origin and MIT flags
The "paymentOrigin" field on "transactionOverview" object now displays the origin flag marked upon creation of the transaction and the MIT flag returns "false" explicitly in case the payment is not flagged as MIT.
Security Improvements & Bug Fixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay 5.1
New lightweight SDK
The new SDK offers a simpler solution for selecting the payment options. It supports only the credit cards and is similar to the current Web SDK.
New object "paymentLinkId"
The new object "paymentLinkId" has been introduced in the Get Payment Status API only in case the if the transaction has been created via Pay-by-link.
Improved labeling for currently used payment option in Subscription and Payment Series
The end customer can see the currently linked stored payment method on the widget in the stored payment options screen marked with "Active" label. This option is available only in Subscription and Payment Series modules.
Security Improvements & Bug Fixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay 5.0
Network Token Cryptograms
Release 5.0 introduces the ability to request Network Token Cryptograms for authorizations. The merchants can use the network token id to obtain a cryptogram, which will be necessary to perform a payment in the future.
Custom image in the header
Release 5.0 introduces the ability to add a custom image and text to the top of SmartPay main widget. The additional content can be aligned left, center or right. Please contact your dedicated Payment Solutions Specialist for further details.
Visual notice that a card has expired
In the list of stored payment options shown on the main SmartPay widget screen, the visual notice has been added that indicate that the card expires soon or has expired. In addition, in case the card has expired, the Pay button is disabled and appropriate message is displayed.
Support of payments to different target merchant accounts in the same marketplace (program) under one integration key
Release 5.0 introduces the ability to support payments to different target merchant accounts in the same marketplace (program), under one integration key. The new parameter "targetMerchantAccountReference" has been added to the payment API-s: Create Checkout API, Create MIT Transaction API, and Create Payment Link API.
Security Improvements & Bug Fixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay 4.9
Custom image in the footer
Release 4.9 introduces the ability to add a custom image to the SmartPay popup payment form. Please contact your Product Solutions Specialist for further details.
Introduction of "PayU BLIK" and "PayU Bank Transfer"
The PayU payment method is now separated into two independent asynchronous methods: "PayU BLIK" and "PayU Bank Transfer."
New object "context" in "errorDetails"
In addition to "errorDetails," a new object called "context" has been added. This object contains additional error details received from the third party.
Added length validation for "productGroup"
A length validation of a maximum of 100 characters for the property "productGroup" has been added.
New WebSDK option - "disableSubmitButton"
When rendering the SmartPay widget, when "disableSubmitButton" is set to "true" the CONTINUE PAYMENT/REGISTRATION or PAY buttons will be greyed out. If set to "false" or not submitted, the button will be hidden by default.
Security Improvements & Bug Fixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay 4.8
Ancillary services
The release 4.8 introduces enhancements to ancillary services.
Security Improvements & Bug Fixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay 4.7
New Object "Criteria" in the MIT transaction and Create Subscription checkout
In addition to the Create Checkout API, the custom "criteria" object has been introduced in the create MIT transaction and Create Subscription checkout API. This object allows merchants to submit and store additional data detailing the transaction.
Security Improvements & Bug Fixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay 4.6
3RI merchant-initiated transactions (MIT) for partial/split or delayed shipments
Extension of MIT Card processing capabilities and introducing 3RI payments for MIT. This way of transaction processing can be used for partial/split or delayed shipment transactions.
New Object "Criteria" in the Checkout API
Introduction of the custom "criteria" object in the checkout APIs. This allows merchants to submit and store additional data detailing the transaction.
Notifications Get APIs
SmartPay now offers a new GET API to retrieve notification details.
Introduction of the Update Account API
This API is an addition to the account management APIs, enabling the modification of customer account information.
Security Improvements & Bug Fixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay 4.5
New object "businessConsumer"
Introduction of the "businessConsumer" object in checkout APIs for CIT and MIT flows, to allow B2B use case where the payer is a company.
New object "customReferences"
Introduction of the new optional "customReferences" object in Create Checkout API and the Modification APIs. It includes "custom1", "custom2" and "custom3" fields. If provided, the fields are visible in Merchant Panel and reporting.
Migration of the domains
Migration of domains to across all environments.
SmartPay 4.4
Hosted Payment Page: Discounts
PayByLink/PayByQR functionality is now supporting discounts display on the hosted payment page. Please refer to this section for the API new parameters.
Security improvements and bugfixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay 4.3
Security improvements and bugfixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay 4.2
ApplePay is now a supported payment option in SmartPay solution.
Fail-Safe enhancement
Introduction of a the new optional field "partnerReference" in the chekout APIs for CIT & MIT as well as the Get Payment Status API response. This field can be populated by the Merchant, to include their internal transaction identifier in the checkout request; this would enable SmartPay in case of duplicate identical requests/retries, to block any potential double booking.
Ancillary Services
SmartPay solution is now offering standalone APIs for:
- Address Validation
- Compliance Checks
- Risk Checks
SmartPay 4.1
Hosted Payment Page:
Success and failure pages are now optional, so as a Merchant you can redirect your end-consumer to your own pages in both scenarios. The SmartPay default page is now displaying the "transactionReference" field in case of payments done through 'Prepayment' or 'Pay upon invoice'. For more information please refer to this page. The same field "transactionReference" is now returned in the response of "Get Payment Status" API, when the payment is processed through 'Prepayment' or 'Pay upon invoice'. (Please refer to Response sample #3)
Security improvements and bugfixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay 4.0
Network Token
SmartPay solution offers now the provisioning of Network Tokens for MC and Visa. For more information please refer to this section.
Security improvements and bugfixes
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.