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Update account

The Update Account API method allows updating the existing account, previously created through a checkout API call, using the provided 'customerAccountId' input parameter.

API Request Parameters

For detailed information about each object check Data Model.

Path parameters

customerAccountIdClient's identifier of the consumer for which the account will be updated.String255Yes

Payload parameters

billingAddressConsumer's billing address data. See Address in Data model.ObjectYes
consumerConsumer's personal data, in case the consumer is a physical person. See Consumer in Data Model.ObjectConditional. Can be present if businessConsumer is missing from the request.
businessConsumerCompany data, in case the consumer is a business or a legal entity. See BusinessConsumer in Data Model.ObjectConditional. Can be present if consumer is missing from the Request.


Specify the customerAccountId in the URL.


PATCH 	{baseURL}/accounts/{customerAccountId}


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"billingAddress": {
"customerFullName": "Hells Butcher",
"emailAddress": "",
"address": "Leopoldstrasse",
"number": "244",
"city": "Munich",
"postCode": "80807",
"countryCode": "DE"
"consumer": {
"emailAddress": "",
"customerGroupId": "VIP",
"gender": "m",
"lastName": "Hells",
"firstName": "Butcher",
"middleName": "fon",
"culture": "de-de",
"dateOfBirth": "2000-01-01",
"mobilePhone": "015xx22-2135466",
"isBusinessUser": false,
"taxId": "00745948504594"

API Response Parameters

Level 1 Response structure

partnerReferencePartner service call identifier.String64
statusCodeStatus code of the account. Possible values are: ACTIVE, CLOSED, INACTIVE or REJECTED.String10
accFlowStatusCodeStatus code of the account flow.String10
twoFAStatusCodeTwo Factor Authentication Status Code. Possible values are: 2FADIS-Two Factor Authentication is disabled. 2FANOTCONF- Two Factor Authentication is activated but not configured. 2FAINPROC- Two Factor Authentication is activated and configuration is in process. 2FACONF-Two Factor Authentication is activated and configured.String10
isTwoFASetupCodeRequiredWhether a confirmation of Two-Factor Authentication setup with a verification code is required or not (this code is sent to the user email).Boolean-
providerResponseExternal provider data.Object-
providerResponse.complianceDataCompliance data. Check Compliance data below for more info.Array-
requestDateTimeTimestamp of the request in the format defined by ISO 8601.YYYY-MM-DD-
responseCodeThe response code.String4
responseDescriptionThe response description.String512

Level 2 response structure - Compliance data

archiveIdArchived check result identifier.String50
trafficLightThe following options are possible: "RED" – hit, "YELLOW" – unsure hit, "GREEN" – no hit.String10
hitTypeThe following options are possible "SL" – sanctions list, "BL" – black list, "PEP" – publicly exposed person.String10
manualReviewWhether a manual review is required or not.Boolean-
detailsList of compliance check details.Array-

Response Sample

Status Code:

200 (OK)


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"partnerReference": "PIT-XXX_CUST-1564891230_SgUDBJYhUu",
"statusCode": "ACTIVE",
"accFlowStatusCode": "APPROVEDSV",
"twoFAStatusCode": "2FADIS",
"archiveId": "4108000025015465",
"trafficLight": "YELLOW",
"hitType": "SL",
"manualReview": true,
"name": "Falk Quintus",
"birthdate": "19660201"
"name": "Quintus Falk",
"birthdate": "19660201"
"requestDateTime": "2021-02-08T17:43:19.027Z",
"responseCode": "0000",
"responseDescription": "Successful execution.",