Release Notes
Please make sure to subscribe to our status page for updates on service status, scheduled maintenances, and further releases.
Consult the SmartPay release notes for details on dependencies, as SmartPay Subscription module relies on core functionalities of SmartPay.
SmartPay Subscription Module 4.6
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay Subscription Module 4.5
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements. SmartPay log format has been updated to include enhanced details.
SmartPay Subscription Module 4.3
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay Subscription Module 4.2
This release contains security improvements as well as an update for the optional function to activate the label "active" indicating the linked stored payment option in the SDK.
SmartPay Subscription Module 4.1
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements. CORS support is now enabled for SmartPay Subscription APIs, allowing secure cross-origin requests to enhance integration flexibility.
SmartPay Subscription Module 4.0
This release contains further internal improvements, optimizations and security improvements.
SmartPay Subscription Module
Authentication towards the Subscription Module services is based on the merchantKey
value that must be provided in the HEADER of the request in the property X-API-KEY.
This must be done for every request to the Subscription APIs. If not provided the API will return HTTP 403 - Forbidden.
Subscription plan APIs
Subscription plan related APIs allow you as a Merchant to create a Subscription Plan, update it, delete it, as well as retrieve the information of a specific plan or a list of plans.
Please refer to this section for more details.
Trial feature
This feature enables you as an integrating merchant to define a trial period for any Subscription Plan of your choice. The trial information could be defined either from the start when creating the Subscription Plan, or by updating the plan at a later stage. In the same way you have the possibility to remove the trial from any Subscription Plan at any time!
Please refer to this section for more details.
Subscription APIs
The Subscription Module offers APIs covering the creation of Subscriptions, amendment, deletion and different information retrieval options.
Please refer to this section for more details.
Pause & Resume feature
The pause & resume feature is enabling the merchant to provide an added value option to their end customers; in a way that the end customer could stop paying for the Subscription for a specific period of their choice and resume it whenever they want. This enable the end customer to control pausing the billing for a certain period and being able to reactivate the Subscription at a later stage; rather than obliging the end customer to definitely cancel their Subscription when they want to stop the billing just for a while.
Please refer to this section for more details.
Billing Cycles
The Billing Cycles are a representation of the charges (MIT transaction) linked to each specific Subscription. The APIs provided enables the Merchant to know the status of each billing cycles, and the state of the transaction(s) linked to it, including any potential retries.
Please refer to this section for more details.
A Transaction object is created either by the Subscription Module backend under a billing-cycle linked to a subscription or via API call for a payment serie or a manual retry.
Please refer to this section for more details.
Payment Series
The aim of this feature is to enable you as an integrating merchant to call our Module in order to trigger unscheduled MITs (Merchant Initiated Transactions). The Payment Series would enable you to group your MITs under a known structure, namely a "Payment Serie".
Please refer to this section for more details.
Manual retries
This features enables the Merchants to retry a specific billing cycles through an API call. Billing cycles for which a manual retry is authorized, are the ones on a final status of "Error" or "Failed" and no more Automatic retries would be processed for them.
This feature enables the Merchant to check all events that were processed for a specific object (e.g subscription, transaction). It enables to track an object from its creation, the updates that were performed on its level and even when it was deleted if applicable.
Subscription SDK
The Subscription SDK allows securely collecting and storing of the payment option details. Thus they will be re-used at later stage for triggering Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT). The Subscription SDK allows securely collecting and storing of the payment option details. Thus they will be re-used at later stage for triggering Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT).
Please refer to this section for more details.
The merchantKey
is provided to every Merchant after their onboarding into our system.