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Create PS Transaction

This API enables the creation of a transaction under a specific Payment Serie. You need to provide only the amount the transaction and its description, all other needed details would be inherited from the parent Payment Serie.

Request parameters

amountAmount of the transactionDecimal18.2Yes
descriptionDescription of the transaction. Could be used to send a unique identifier from the Merchant end for the transactionString255Yes
customReferencesFor external party usage.customReferencesObjectNo
criteriaCollection of additional request parameters.criteriaObjectNo

The request must provide the following header:

x-api-key: {merchantKey}

Request sample


POST {baseURL}/payment-series/PaymentSeries-5fb19b1b-8990-4c79-b45c-775f3140dcbb/transactions


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"amount": "7.3",
"description": "OrderId0010"

Response parameters

Please refer to transactions in the Data Model.

Response sample

Status Code:

201 (Created)


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"id": "Transaction-60b8fe39-1c71-40e8-b2b8-d2ae4b5d9c20",
"customerAccountId": "NewcustomerTestPSerie00",
"storedPaymentOptionReference": "8ac7a49f79ea7b760179eaae946a4ff7",
"modificationId": "e6b98627-e7eb-4a41-ae32-540f2e22d309",
"transactionReferenceId": "aeaabe56-3c05-44fb-9f19-9f27074ef5a4",
"reconciliationReferenceId": "pzFdwq0ImRFYGYuq41xCH",
"paymentStatus": "captured",
"payment": {
"description": "OrderId0010",
"amount": 7.3,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
"billingAddress": {
"addressLine1": "Leopoldstrasse",
"addressLine2": null,
"addressLine3": null,
"number": "244",
"city": "Munich",
"postCode": "80807",
"countryCode": "DE",
"state": null
"shippingAddress": {
"addressLine1": "Leopoldstrasse",
"addressLine2": null,
"addressLine3": null,
"number": "244",
"city": "Munich",
"postCode": "80807",
"countryCode": "DE",
"state": null
"consumer": {
"firstName": "FirstNameA",
"lastName": "LastNameA",
"middleName": null,
"emailAddress": "",
"title": "Mr",
"culture": "en-en",
"dateOfBirth": "1995-01-26",
"gender": "M",
"mobilePhone": "1234567890",
"homePhone": "1234567891",
"workPhone": "1234567892",
"taxId": null
"transactionLogs": [
"id": "TransactionLog-00601b47-1322-48b3-9772-c70cad35d086",
"createdAt": "2021-06-22T16:32:42.39Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-06-22T16:32:42.39Z",
"status": "captured",
"description": "Transaction with modificationId: e6b98627-e7eb-4a41-ae32-540f2e22d309 is updated with status captured and description: OrderId0010"

For error handling, please refer to this section.