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Update Payment Serie

As a Merchant you could update the below properties of a payment serie:

  • consumer
  • billingAddress
  • shippingAddress
  • merchantMetadata
  • externalMerchantId
  • customReferences

Request parameters

externalMerchantIdField that allows the merchant to store a specific value as an external reference
Available as a filtering field
externalReferenceAs an integrating merchant you could link any custom reference on your end to the Payment Serie through this fieldString255No
merchantMetadataField that allows the merchant to store any specific merchant metadataString255No
billingAddressParent element. Billing address of the consumer. Please refer to Data Model for details.Object-No
shippingAddressParent element. Shipping address of the consumer. Please refer to Data Model for details.Object-No
consumerParent element. Business/Company information. Please refer to Data Model for details.Object-No
businessConsumerParent element. Customer information. Please refer to Data Model for details.Object-No
customReferencesParent element. For external party usage.Object-No

The request must provide the followng header:

x-api-key: {merchantKey}

Request sample


PATCH {baseURL}/payment-series/PaymentSeries-f45b5e21-5279-48f8-9b7a-b3e071363de6


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"externalMerchantId": "UMerchantExternalPSerie01",
"merchantMetadata": "{ \"clientId\": U453456790 }",
"externalReference": "UPaymentSerie 01 Payment",
"billingAddress": {
"addressLine1": "Leopoldstr",
"number": "245",
"city": "Munich",
"postCode": "80806",
"countryCode": "DE"
"shippingAddress": {
"addressLine1": "Leopoldstr.",
"number": "245",
"city": "Munich",
"postCode": "80806",
"countryCode": "DE"
"consumer": {
"firstName": "UFirstNameA",
"lastName": "ULastNameA",
"emailAddress": "",
"title": "Mr",
"culture": "de-de",
"dateOfBirth": "1995-10-26",
"gender": "F",
"mobilePhone": "01234567890",
"homePhone": "01234567891",
"workPhone": "01234567892"

Response parameters

idPayment Serie ID, automatically generated by the system
Format: "PaymentSeries" + "-" + <UUID>
Example: "PaymentSeries-fe3f839f-c8b5-48cd-a4f4-cbbb3766013b"
createdAtTimestamp of when the payment serie was created.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SS'Z
(E.g: 2021-02-11T15:00:44.718Z)
updatedAtTimestamp of when the payment serie was last updated.
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SS'Z
(E.g: 2021-02-11T15:00:44.718Z)
deletedAtTimestamp of when the payment serie was deleted (if applicable).
Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SS'Z
(E.g: 2021-02-11T15:00:44.718Z)
currencyIsoCodeCurrency code (e.g. EUR)
Format: ISO 4217
customerAccountIdCustomer Account ID - A unique identifier provided by the integrating merchant by which the user's account could be identified e.g. customer number
For subscription Module, SmartPay checks if an account exists, if so, your end customer would be able to see their previously stored payment instruments, if any.
merchantMetadataField that allows the merchant to store a specific metadata linked with the payment serie.String255No
externalMerchantIdField that allows the merchant to store a specific value for external reference.
Available as a filtering field.
externalReferenceIntegrating merchant could link any custom reference on their end to the Payment Serie through this fieldString255No
billingAgreementBilling Agreement linked to the payment serie.
This field hosts the payment instrument information.
Returns "null" for a newly created payment serie as no payment instrument is linked to the payment serie yet!
billingAddressBilling address of the consumer. Please refer to Data Model for details.Object-Yes
shippingAddressShipping address of the consumer. Please refer to Data Model for details.Object-Yes
consumerMandatory if "businessConsumer" object is not provided.
Customer information. Please refer to Data Model for details.
businessConsumerMandatory if "consumer" object is not provided.
Business/Company information. Please refer to Data Model for details.
customReferencesParent element. For external party usage.Object-No

Response sample

Status Code:

200 (OK)


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"id": "PaymentSeries-f45b5e21-5279-48f8-9b7a-b3e071363de6",
"createdAt": "2021-06-14T17:36:11.25Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-06-14T17:45:22.33Z",
"deletedAt": null,
"customerAccountId": "NewcustomerSerie01",
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
"externalMerchantId": "UMerchantExternalPSerie01",
"merchantMetadata": "{ \"clientId\": U453456790 }",
"externalReference": "UPaymentSerie 01 Payment",
"billingAddress": {
"addressLine1": "Leopoldstr",
"addressLine2": null,
"addressLine3": null,
"number": "245",
"city": "Munich",
"postCode": "80806",
"countryCode": "DE",
"state": null
"shippingAddress": {
"addressLine1": "Leopoldstr.",
"addressLine2": null,
"addressLine3": null,
"number": "245",
"city": "Munich",
"postCode": "80806",
"countryCode": "DE",
"state": null
"consumer": {
"firstName": "UFirstNameA",
"lastName": "ULastNameA",
"middleName": null,
"emailAddress": "",
"title": "Mr",
"culture": "de-de",
"dateOfBirth": "1995-10-26",
"gender": "F",
"mobilePhone": "01234567890",
"homePhone": "01234567891",
"workPhone": "01234567892",
"taxId": null
"billingAgreement": null

For error handling, please refer to this section.