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Create Subscription Plan

Request parameters

nameName of the Subscription PlanString255Yes
descriptionDescription of the Subscription PlanString255Yes
recurrentAmountAmount to be billed recurrentlyDouble18.2Yes
currencyIsoCodeCurrency code (E.g. EUR). Format: ISO 4217String3Yes
trialDurationPeriodPeriod of the trial. (E.g. 14 days - trialDurationUnit to be set to "days"). MinValue: 1 - MaxValue: 28. When a Trial duration Unit is provided a trialDurationPeriod is required.Int2Conditional
trialDurationUnitUnit of the trial period. Possible values: day, month, year. When a Trial Duration Period is provided a trialDurationUnit is required.String5Conditional
billingOccurrenceRecurrence of the billing occurrences. (E.g. billingOccurrence=1 & billingUnit= month → charge the consumer every 1 month)Int2Yes
billingUnitUnit of the billing recurrence. Possible values: day, month, year.String5Yes
billingCyclesPossible values : [-1 , 120]. Number of the billing occurrences. The count of how many times the customer would be charged. -1 could be sent for unlimited subscription.Int2Yes
prepaidPossible values: true, false. Sending "true" would create a pre-paid plan, the value "false" would create a post-paid plan. If no value is sent it would be always set to "true" by default.Boolean5No
merchantMetadataIn this field you could pass information that you deem important to be saved on a subscription plan level which is not covered by the fields above.String255No

In the below request we are creating a new PrePaid Subscription Plan with a trial duration of 1 day. The consumer will be billed in total 4 times every 1 month.


The request must provide the following header:

x-api-key: {merchantKey}

Request sample


POST {baseURL}/plans


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"name": "Premium",
"description": "Premium sub for only 90.99 EUR!",
"recurrentAmount": 90.99,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
"trialDurationPeriod": 1,
"trialDurationUnit": "day",
"billingOccurrence": 1,
"billingUnit": "month",
"billingCycles": 4,
"prepaid": true,
"merchantMetadata": "{\"orderId\": 1asd265jh4, \"usageTracking\": false, \"referenceId\": s125jkwh2321 }"

Response parameters

idUnique Identifier of the created Subscription Plan Format: "SubscriptionPlan" + "-" + <UUID>String53Yes
createdAtTimestamp of when the Subscription Plan was created Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SS'ZDateTime24Yes
updatedAtTimestamp of when the Subscription Plan was last updated Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SS'ZDateTime24Yes
deletedAtTimestamp of when the Subscription Plan was deleted (if applicable) Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SS'ZDateTime24Yes
nameName of the Subscription PlanString255Yes
descriptionDescription of the Subscription PlanString255Yes
recurrentAmountAmount to be billed recurrentlyDouble18.2Yes
currencyIsoCodeCurrency codeString3Yes
trialDurationPeriodPeriod of the trialInt2Conditional
trialDurationUnitUnit of the trial periodString5Conditional
billingOccurrenceRecurrence of the billing occurrencesInt2Yes
billingUnitUnit of the billing recurrenceString5Yes
billingCyclesNumber of the billing occurrencesInt2Yes
prepaidThe value would be "true" for pre-paid and "false" for post-paidBoolean5No
merchantMetadataMerchant Metadata fields sent during the creation of the Subscription PlanString255No

Response sample

Status Code: 201 (Created)


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"id": "SubscriptionPlan-12033695-99d8-4dc6-bf51-db64ef27620b",
"createdAt": "2021-03-17T17:18:53.01Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-03-17T17:18:53.01Z",
"deletedAt": null,
"name": "Premium",
"description": "Premium sub for only 90.99 EUR!",
"recurrentAmount": 90.99,
"currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
"trialDurationPeriod": 1,
"trialDurationUnit": "day",
"billingUnit": "month",
"billingOccurrence": 1,
"billingCycles": 4,
"prepaid": true,
"merchantMetadata": "{\"orderId\": 1asd265jh4, \"usageTracking\": false, \"referenceId\": s125jkwh2321 }"

For error handling, please refer to this section.