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Create Subscription Checkout API

The API method Create Subscription Checkout initiates the subscription creation request.

API Parameters


The request must have the following headers:

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept-Language: en-US
  • Origin: { Origin }
merchantKeyThe Merchant Key is the unique identifier for your integration, keep this credential secure, do not store client side.GUID36Yes
customerAccountIdCustomer Account ID – A unique identifier provided by the integrating merchant by which the user's account can be identified e.g. customer number.String255Yes
selectedStoredPaymentOptionConsumer's stored payment option reference. When provided, SmartPay Widget will pre-select stored option with given reference in the list of options when it gets rendered. Suppresses the 'Default' payment option highlighting and 'Set default' functionality.String36No
paymentIncludes currency, average payment amount of the later MIT transactions and description. Use "0" as amount, in case an average amount can not be determined.PaymentObjectYes
billingAddressBilling address of the consumer.AddressObjectYes
consumerMandatory if "businessConsumer" object is not provided. Consumer's personal information.consumerObjectConditional
businessConsumerMandatory if "consumer" object is not provided. Business/Company information.businessConsumerObjectConditional
partnerReferenceMerchant internal transaction reference. If provided, enables SmartPay to block cases of double processingString64No
criteriaList of custom key-value pairs that the merchant can submit. the names "callBackUrl" and "redirectUrl" will be disregarded.ArrayObjectNo

Financial institution's risk management is applicable on storing and verifying payment options, even though no charge is made at that point in time. Therefore, your consumer's personal information is already required within this initialization request.


Please refer to our data model for details regarding the referenced objects.




POST {Base URL}/payment/mit/subscription/creation


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"merchantKey": "73afeb44-432e-4b91-be37-a6b3d2fb7447",
"customerAccountId": "Test-123",
"payment": {
"amount": 0.00,
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"description": "SMP*SUBSCR*MIT"
"billingAddress": {
"addressLine1": "Leopoldstrasse",
"city": "München",
"countryCode": "DE",
"number": "244",
"postCode": "80807",
"homePhone": "333444555"
"consumer": {
"dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
"title": "Mr",
"mobilePhone": "333444555",
"culture": "en-US",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"emailAddress": ""

The Create Subscription Checkout response includes checkoutToken which should be used for web widget rendering.


"subscriptionId": "9038cf01-e066-4cf9-b62b-df19b5590eed",
"checkoutToken": "VpyBoZj54PNRfpWNkQQN7FnTzAb2UcXF4kfRpviAXPxq5WnhHwXIdY3dqRV9MGXM",
"requestTime": "2023-04-06T14:45:24.429Z"

Response on failure

Status Code:

400 (Bad Request)


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"message": {
"message": [
"consumer": [
"Invalid date of birth"

If you receive an HTTP status other then 2xx, the request failed. Please try to interpret the response message to correct your request and contact customer support in case of further questions.