Get Payment Options
This API method enables you to retrieve the list of the payment options stored under a specific private or business consumer's account.
API Response Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type |
name | Name of the payment option returned. | String |
code | Code of the payment option returned. | String |
carrierNumber | Masked number of the payment option. | String |
reference | Payment option ID. | String |
isDefault | Specifies if the payment option is marked as 'default', which requires it to be preselected. | Boolean |
isExpired | Denotes if the payment option has expired. | Boolean |
expiresSoon | Denotes if the payment option expires soon. | Boolean |
expiryDate | Date when the payment option will expire. | MM/YYYY |
The Get Payment Options API provides a response containing a variety of parameters that may change depending on the selected payment method. Each payment option can have distinct fields, and understanding these variations is essential for proper integration. In the tables below, we provide a detailed overview of the key parameters, descriptions and their data types.
SEPA Response Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type |
storedPaymentOptionData | Contains payment method specific information used for storing the payment option. | Object |
- bankCode | Payment option bank code. | String |
- bankName | Payment option bank name. | String |
additionalData | A list of "name" and "value" pairs. | Array |
- DRCTDBIT.creditorId | Creditor identifier. | String |
Bacs Response Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type |
storedPaymentOptionData | Contains payment method specific information used for storing the payment option. | Object |
- bankCode | Payment option bank code. | String |
- bankName | Payment option bank name. | String |
additionalData | A list of "name" and "value" pairs. | Array |
- storedPaymentOptionReference | Stored payment option reference code. | String |
- mandateReference | Mandate reference. | String |
- mandateInitiationDate | Transaction creation date and time. | String |
- mandateActivationDate | Transaction activation date and time. | String |
- debtorName | Name of the Debtor. | String |
- debtorBankAccount | Bank account number of the Debtor. | String |
- debtorBankIdentifierCode | Bank code of the Debtor. | String |
- debtorBankName | Bank name of the Debtor. | String |
- debtorCountry | ISO 2-letter country code. | String |
- creditorName | Name of the Creditor. | String |
- creditorBankAccount | Bank account number of the Creditor. | String |
- creditorBankIdentifierCode | Bank code of the Creditor. | String |
- creditorCountry | ISO 2-letter country code. | String |
- creditorSUN | Creditor Service User Number (SUN). | String |
- merchantName | Name of merchant. | String |
- mandateStatus | Registered, enabled, disabled, or rejected. | String |
Get Payment Options Example - SEPA and Cards
{Base URL}/accounts/{customerAccountId}/paymentOptions
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
Status Code:
200 (OK)
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"result": [
"name": "Mastercard",
"code": "MSTRCRD",
"carrierNumber": "520000****0106",
"reference": "8ac7a4a08c13ee65018c151c330a26c6",
"isDefault": true,
"isExpired": false,
"expiresSoon": false,
"expiryDate": "03/2025"
"name": "Bank Account",
"code": "BNKACCT",
"carrierNumber": "DE8937****3000",
"reference": "05d985b8a7864e9ca71067dc98da5f99",
"isDefault": true,
"isExpired": false,
"expiresSoon": false,
"expiryDate": "12/2999",
"storedPaymentOptionData": {
"mandate": {
"mandateReference": "SEPA-202430071-NLD7GT499684QMHJ47S4",
"mandateSignedDate": "2024-09-24",
"mandateSignedTime": "000000"
"bankCode": "COBADEFFXXX",
"bankName": "ACME Bank"
"name": "SEPA Direct Debit B2B",
"code": "SEPADDB2B",
"carrierNumber": "DE8937****3000",
"reference": "MzInFZZbU6b6x9IUUXmUr",
"isDefault": false,
"isExpired": false,
"expiresSoon": false,
"expiryDate": "12/2999",
"storedPaymentOptionData": {
"bankCode": "COBADEFFXXX"
"additionalData": [
"name": "DRCTDBIT.creditorId",
"value": "LU11ZZZ1491"
"name": "SEPA Direct Debit core",
"code": "SEPADDCORE",
"carrierNumber": "BE6853****7034",
"reference": "nuhMFZI81bpqkkwJmDPuF",
"isDefault": false,
"isExpired": false,
"expiresSoon": false,
"expiryDate": "12/2999",
"storedPaymentOptionData": {
"bankCode": "EXBKDE81XXX",
"bankName": "ACME Bank"
"additionalData": [
"name": "DRCTDBIT.creditorId",
"value": "IT123456789"
Get Payment Options Example - Bacs
{Base URL}/accounts/{customerAccountId}/paymentOptions
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
Status Code:
200 (OK)
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"result": {
"name": "BACS Direct Debit",
"code": "BACSDD",
"carrierNumber": "1234****",
"reference": "YSPO5R...9AHoWNzn",
"isDefault": false,
"isExpired": false,
"expiresSoon": false,
"expiryDate": "12/2999",
"storedPaymentOptionData": {
"bankCode": "500000",
"bankName": "ACME Bank"
"additionalData": [
"name": "storedPaymentOptionReference",
"value": "123qed123"
"name": "mandateReference",
"value": "BACS20240515jf56iJ"
"name": "mandateInitiationDate",
"value": "2024-09-24"
"name": "mandateActivationDate",
"value": "2024-09-24"
"name": "debtorName",
"value": "Monsters Inc."
"name": "debtorBankAccount",
"value": "1234567890"
"name": "debtorBankIdentifierCode",
"value": "203203"
"name": "debtorBankName",
"value": "Barclays LC"
"name": "debtorCountry",
"value": "GB"
"name": "creditorName",
"value": "JP Morgan Mobility Payments Solutions S.A."
"name": "creditorBankAccount",
"value": "GB99....876543210"
"name": "creditorBankIdentifierCode",
"value": "CH..S33"
"name": "creditorCountry",
"value": "GB"
"name": "creditorSUN",
"value": "4455...89900"
"name": "merchantName",
"value": "JPM-MPS-CONS GmbH_GBP"
"name": "mandateStatus",
"value": "ENABLED"